Thursday 7 April 2011

The Differences Between a Teaser Trailer and a Main Theatrical Trailer

One of the main notable differences between a teaser trailer and a main theatrical trailer is the length. Teaser trailers tend to range from 50 seconds till 1 minute 30 whereas full trailers tend to range from 1 minute 30 up till 3 minutes. Also in a teaser, not much is revealed about the film which it is promoting and usually uses footage that wont appear in the film. There wont be much of a storyline to follow, If any at all, and they do tend to be more scary as they can use any old shots to create their finished product. A full trailer will include scenes from the film and will have a storyline which you can begin to follow. Full trailers will feature a lot of shots from the film's rough, or even final cut and will give you a better idea of how the film will turn out

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