Wednesday 30 March 2011

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

The main target audience for horror films is usually young boys/adults aged 13-27 and also young couples of a similar age. As our media class is compiled of only 17-18 year old students (mainly boys) we thought it would be the best place to hold our 'Test Screening' of our trailer to gain positive and negative feedback about what is good and what we can improve.

After the class watched our trailer, the teacher went around each person and asked them for one good thing they had to say about the trailer and also something to be improved. To start with, there were many different issues that we tried to either correct or hide before the screening and by doing this, the feedback results that came back were not that dis-similar. The negative feedback we received were things that could be corrected without re-shooting any video for example parts of the soundtrack and the inter-titles. The inter-titles were either deemed to 'Sci-fi like' or 'Professional Looking' which were both posotive and negative comments and with regards to the sound, there were things such as wispers and other small noises which were hard to hear so these were picked up on. Another key point which was raised in the feedback was the amount of green in the trailer. The class all agreed that it was very 'Sci-fi like' and that a different colour such as red or orange would have worked better as they are strongly related to the horror genre.

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