Wednesday 20 October 2010

Narrative Theory

In class we studied the famous film "The Shining" and then talked about different theorists to see if we could relate their theories to the film.


Propp says that every story has a similar set of characters which all fit in to a certian group of character functions.

Character Functions in The Shining
1. The Villain - Jack/The Hotel
2. The Hero - Danny, Wendy, Dick
3. The Donor - Jack
4. The helper (aids hero) - Dick
5. The Princess + Father - Wendy (No Father in Film)
6. The Dispatcher - Danny
7. The False Hero - Dick


He states that all stories start with an equilibrium where any opposite forces are balanced. This equilibrium is then disrupted by an event or action which then leads to other things happening.


He looked at Narrative Structure in the form of Binary Oppositions which means there are sets of opposite things like good/evil, past/present and the norm/the un-norm. For example in The Shining, they live in a built up area surrounded by people and move to a secluded hotel with noone around.

Bordwell and Tompson

They never really had a complete narrative Theory but they came up with ideas as to how it could be done

1 comment:

  1. This is a bit thin - ESPECIALLY about Bordwell and Thompson. Do remember Chris that this stuff will conribute to your A2 grade so needs to be as good as you can make it.
